Sunday, July 5, 2015

LOST IN LA SEASON 1 & 2 New Trailer!

Hey guys! Welcome back! Gosh.. I've just been so busy with perparations for the Melbourne Web Fest and have been working really hard on getting votes for the People's Choice Award! Thanks so much to those who voted, hopefully in the next few days we can keep rallying for more votes, be sure to tell your friends about the poll - vote for Lost in LA under comedy.
Now here's Some other stuff I have been working on - while getting all the promo material together for Indieflix, I realised I couldn't give them a kick ass trailer to promote series 1 & 2 with - so the last couple days I have been working on that and here it is! Again, it was so difficult to make decisions on what to put in in such a small amount of time. But despite the challenge I'm really happy with my efforts and how the trailer turned out. I hope you have a sec to check it out! Leave me any comments below - Sascha.


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